The Power of Trauma

3 min readApr 10, 2021

The traumas we endure in life given us traits and characteristics that make us different from one another. We can allow these traumas to define us and use that as an excuse for the setbacks in our lives or apply them to whatever challenges we face and use them as an advantage instead of a drawback.

I’ve heard many successful athletes speak on their journey and what it took for them mentally to overcome the challenges they faced to turning their hobbies into careers that provide financial security for their families.

Athletes that come from working-class or poverty-stricken societies. These men and women have started from the bottom and have taken themselves and their families to greener pastures because of their mentality.

The question of what it takes to win can be answered in so many different ways. But to stay relative to the topic, we’re gonna answer this with how trauma is used. Some people are so afraid of going back to the violent environments they grew up in that they will do whatever it takes to get out and stay out. Celebrities and athletes are no different to the rest of us. They have seen their parents struggle, friends murdered. Cousins and sisters abused, and they channel all of those things as a motive for the actions that take going forward. What separates them from us is consistency. A lot of people will rationalize why they feel the need to give up on something. For the successful people, the ones that make it. They cannot. They refuse to because they refuse to endure that trauma for the rest of their lives. Yes, they will endure it through the process of the career their pursuing. Still, they know that they need to take the chance or forever be in a generational cycle of trauma until another family member attempts to break it.

These choices and journeys that we go on for a better life come with many challenges that people can fall short of overcoming. These challenges can make us uncomfortable, they can make us extremely vulnerable, and most of all, they bring extreme loneliness.

Loneliness is the part that a lot of people struggle to adapt to.

We can’t have the people we love on this journey because they are a liability, in all honesty. If they are not supporting and assisting you and being selfless in their actions towards you, they will likely be adding their problems to your already stressful journey because we are beings that like to be part of a pack. We always want to belong to something, and in the journey we’re taking, we are learning how to integrate into this new lifestyle. We are learning ourselves. Our focus. How focused are we on what we want. With no distractions, no excuses, how much do we really want to succeed, and how far are we willing to push ourselves to get it.

When you are out of your comfort zone, away from your familiarities, you have no one and nothing to blame for your setbacks. Your attitude and your willpower are magnified, and you know that anything that happens, success or failure are solely down to your actions and your actions only.

Use your traumas as motivation to be everything you want. To get the things in life you deserve, put all your time, energy and focus into executing it.

Focus is and always will be the key to anything your pursuing. Don’t let your flaws or your traumas define the person you are. Use them to springboard you to higher heights that can prevent generations of family members from enduring the traumas you once did.

